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input ShopSettingsInput {
headerText: String
description: String
trackInventoryByDefault: Boolean
defaultWeightUnit: WeightUnitsEnum
automaticFulfillmentDigitalProducts: Boolean
fulfillmentAutoApprove: Boolean
fulfillmentAllowUnpaid: Boolean
defaultDigitalMaxDownloads: Int
defaultDigitalUrlValidDays: Int
defaultMailSenderName: String
defaultMailSenderAddress: String
customerSetPasswordUrl: String
reserveStockDurationAnonymousUser: Int
reserveStockDurationAuthenticatedUser: Int
limitQuantityPerCheckout: Int
enableAccountConfirmationByEmail: Boolean
allowLoginWithoutConfirmation: Boolean
metadata: [MetadataInput!]
privateMetadata: [MetadataInput!]
includeTaxesInPrices: Boolean
displayGrossPrices: Boolean
chargeTaxesOnShipping: Boolean
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ShopSettingsInput.headerText ● String scalar miscellaneous

Header text.

ShopSettingsInput.description ● String scalar miscellaneous

SEO description.

ShopSettingsInput.trackInventoryByDefault ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

This field is used as a default value for ProductVariant.trackInventory.

ShopSettingsInput.defaultWeightUnit ● WeightUnitsEnum enum miscellaneous

Default weight unit.

ShopSettingsInput.automaticFulfillmentDigitalProducts ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Enable automatic fulfillment for all digital products.

ShopSettingsInput.fulfillmentAutoApprove ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Enable automatic approval of all new fulfillments.

Added in Saleor 3.1

ShopSettingsInput.fulfillmentAllowUnpaid ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Enable ability to approve fulfillments which are unpaid.

Added in Saleor 3.1

ShopSettingsInput.defaultDigitalMaxDownloads ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Default number of max downloads per digital content URL.

ShopSettingsInput.defaultDigitalUrlValidDays ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Default number of days which digital content URL will be valid.

ShopSettingsInput.defaultMailSenderName ● String scalar miscellaneous

Default email sender's name.

ShopSettingsInput.defaultMailSenderAddress ● String scalar miscellaneous

Default email sender's address.

ShopSettingsInput.customerSetPasswordUrl ● String scalar miscellaneous

URL of a view where customers can set their password.

ShopSettingsInput.reserveStockDurationAnonymousUser ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Default number of minutes stock will be reserved for anonymous checkout. Enter 0 or null to disable.

Added in Saleor 3.1

ShopSettingsInput.reserveStockDurationAuthenticatedUser ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Default number of minutes stock will be reserved for authenticated checkout. Enter 0 or null to disable.

Added in Saleor 3.1

ShopSettingsInput.limitQuantityPerCheckout ● Int scalar miscellaneous

Default number of maximum line quantity in single checkout. Minimum possible value is 1, default value is 50.

Added in Saleor 3.1

ShopSettingsInput.enableAccountConfirmationByEmail ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Enable automatic account confirmation by email.

Added in Saleor 3.14

ShopSettingsInput.allowLoginWithoutConfirmation ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Enable possibility to login without account confirmation.

Added in Saleor 3.15

ShopSettingsInput.metadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Shop public metadata.

Added in Saleor 3.15

ShopSettingsInput.privateMetadata ● [MetadataInput!] list input miscellaneous

Shop private metadata.

Added in Saleor 3.15

ShopSettingsInput.includeTaxesInPrices ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Include taxes in prices.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use taxConfigurationUpdate mutation to configure this setting per channel or country.

ShopSettingsInput.displayGrossPrices ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Display prices with tax in store.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. Use taxConfigurationUpdate mutation to configure this setting per channel or country.

ShopSettingsInput.chargeTaxesOnShipping ● Boolean scalar miscellaneous

Charge taxes on shipping.

DEPRECATED: this field will be removed in Saleor 4.0. To enable taxes for a shipping method, assign a tax class to the shipping method with shippingPriceCreate or shippingPriceUpdate mutations.

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shopSettingsUpdate mutation